Constitution of the Society
1. The Society shall be called the Elmbridge Natural History Society
2. The objects of the Society shall be the general advancement of field studies and the conservation of flora and
fauna of the district.
3. Members shall be of the classes set out below. All members shall be eligible for election to the Committee on
being proposed and seconded.
* Single Adult Members (over 16 years of age)
* Double Adult Members at the same address
* Honorary Members
Honorary members may be appointed at the discretion of the Committee or at an Annual General Meeting.
4. Annual subscriptions shall be as determined from time to time in a General Meeting. All subscriptions shall be
paid during the month in which they fall due. A member whose subscription is three months in arrears may, if
the Committee so decide, cease to be a member after due notice has been given.
5. The Society shall have a President and not more than two Vice-Presidents who shall be elected at the Annual
General Meeting. Retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election.
6. The management of the Society and the control of its funds and property shall be vested in a Committee of not
less than four and not more than nine. The Committee shall include the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and
Honorary Treasurer, and shall have power to fill vacancies and elect additional members in accordance with
the limitations set out in the first sentence of this paragraph. The Committee and Officers shall be elected
annually at the Annual General Meeting. It shall be within the remit of the Committee to elect sub-Committees
to deal with any particular branch of business which the Committee may consider necessary.
7. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Society, the presentation of proper accounts
and payment and collection of monies under the direction of the Committee. The Annual General Meeting
shall appoint a Scrutineer or Auditor to examine the accounts.
8. In the event of a vacancy or the temporary absence of any officer, the Committee may elect substitutes to act
until the next Annual General Meeting or the return of the officer in question.
9. The Society’s year shall be from 1st April until 31st March.
10. An Annual General Meeting to be held in April each year shall be called by the Committee for the election of
Officers and Committee, the submission of accounts and any other matters on the Agenda of which due notice
has been given.
11. Five members shall form a quorum at any General Meeting.
12. The text of resolutions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting and nominations for Officers and
Committee should reach the Honorary Secretary by 1st March, all to be in writing and proposed and seconded
by members. Amendments to such resolutions and nominations for Officers and Committee may be accepted
at the Annual General Meeting at the discretion of the Chairman of the Meeting.
13. Notice of the time and place of the Annual General Meeting and the business to be transacted shall be submitted
to members not less than three weeks prior to the meeting. This notice to include:-
* Minutes of the previous AGM
* Chairman’s Report
* Treasurers’ Report
* Nominations for Officers and Committee members
* Resolutions
14. No alterations to the Constitution of the Society shall be carried unless the proposal has been circulated to all
members of the Society and three weeks’ notice has been given. The proposal must be carried by a vote of two
-thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.
15. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or at the written request of twelve members and the
date of the same shall be fixed by the Committee – due notice being given to all members. Only such business as
that for which the Meeting has been called shall be discussed.
16. Members attending Meetings of the Society shall sign their names in a book which shall be kept for the
purpose.. Visitors will be admitted to meetings subject to payment of an entry fee that shall be set at a value
agreed at the most recent AGM. Visitors shall sign their names in a separate column of the Attendance Book.
Visitors may join in a discussion, but they may not express any opinion on the Minutes or business of the
Society and may not vote on any resolution put to the Meeting.
As agreed at the AGM on 11th April 2012.
2. The objects of the Society shall be the general advancement of field studies and the conservation of flora and
fauna of the district.
3. Members shall be of the classes set out below. All members shall be eligible for election to the Committee on
being proposed and seconded.
* Single Adult Members (over 16 years of age)
* Double Adult Members at the same address
* Honorary Members
Honorary members may be appointed at the discretion of the Committee or at an Annual General Meeting.
4. Annual subscriptions shall be as determined from time to time in a General Meeting. All subscriptions shall be
paid during the month in which they fall due. A member whose subscription is three months in arrears may, if
the Committee so decide, cease to be a member after due notice has been given.
5. The Society shall have a President and not more than two Vice-Presidents who shall be elected at the Annual
General Meeting. Retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election.
6. The management of the Society and the control of its funds and property shall be vested in a Committee of not
less than four and not more than nine. The Committee shall include the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and
Honorary Treasurer, and shall have power to fill vacancies and elect additional members in accordance with
the limitations set out in the first sentence of this paragraph. The Committee and Officers shall be elected
annually at the Annual General Meeting. It shall be within the remit of the Committee to elect sub-Committees
to deal with any particular branch of business which the Committee may consider necessary.
7. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Society, the presentation of proper accounts
and payment and collection of monies under the direction of the Committee. The Annual General Meeting
shall appoint a Scrutineer or Auditor to examine the accounts.
8. In the event of a vacancy or the temporary absence of any officer, the Committee may elect substitutes to act
until the next Annual General Meeting or the return of the officer in question.
9. The Society’s year shall be from 1st April until 31st March.
10. An Annual General Meeting to be held in April each year shall be called by the Committee for the election of
Officers and Committee, the submission of accounts and any other matters on the Agenda of which due notice
has been given.
11. Five members shall form a quorum at any General Meeting.
12. The text of resolutions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting and nominations for Officers and
Committee should reach the Honorary Secretary by 1st March, all to be in writing and proposed and seconded
by members. Amendments to such resolutions and nominations for Officers and Committee may be accepted
at the Annual General Meeting at the discretion of the Chairman of the Meeting.
13. Notice of the time and place of the Annual General Meeting and the business to be transacted shall be submitted
to members not less than three weeks prior to the meeting. This notice to include:-
* Minutes of the previous AGM
* Chairman’s Report
* Treasurers’ Report
* Nominations for Officers and Committee members
* Resolutions
14. No alterations to the Constitution of the Society shall be carried unless the proposal has been circulated to all
members of the Society and three weeks’ notice has been given. The proposal must be carried by a vote of two
-thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.
15. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or at the written request of twelve members and the
date of the same shall be fixed by the Committee – due notice being given to all members. Only such business as
that for which the Meeting has been called shall be discussed.
16. Members attending Meetings of the Society shall sign their names in a book which shall be kept for the
purpose.. Visitors will be admitted to meetings subject to payment of an entry fee that shall be set at a value
agreed at the most recent AGM. Visitors shall sign their names in a separate column of the Attendance Book.
Visitors may join in a discussion, but they may not express any opinion on the Minutes or business of the
Society and may not vote on any resolution put to the Meeting.
As agreed at the AGM on 11th April 2012.