This is renewable annually and commences on 1st April. The annual subscription is £10 for an individual or £15 for a couple.
If you are interested in joining please complete the "Contact us" form at the link shown on the left and we will send you an application form and payment details.
Funds raised from subscriptions are mainly used to engage speakers and pay for the hire of the hall.
This is renewable annually and commences on 1st April. The annual subscription is £10 for an individual or £15 for a couple. You may join at an indoor meeting or by mailing an application form to the Membership Secretary with your cheque. Cheques should be made payable to: Elmbridge Natural History Society.
Funds raised from subscriptions are mainly used to engage speakers and pay for the hire of the hall.
If you would like further information please contact our Membership Secretary.
Please click on the field to the right for membership application form: Membership form 2023/24 with GDPR Metr0 Bank*
Visitor Fees
The charge for visitors to our indoor meetings is £3.00 per meeting
(refundable on joining the society).
This is renewable annually and commences on 1st April. The annual subscription is £10 for an individual or £15 for a couple.
If you are interested in joining please complete the "Contact us" form at the link shown on the left and we will send you an application form and payment details.
Funds raised from subscriptions are mainly used to engage speakers and pay for the hire of the hall.
This is renewable annually and commences on 1st April. The annual subscription is £10 for an individual or £15 for a couple. You may join at an indoor meeting or by mailing an application form to the Membership Secretary with your cheque. Cheques should be made payable to: Elmbridge Natural History Society.
Funds raised from subscriptions are mainly used to engage speakers and pay for the hire of the hall.
If you would like further information please contact our Membership Secretary.
Please click on the field to the right for membership application form: Membership form 2023/24 with GDPR Metr0 Bank*
Visitor Fees
The charge for visitors to our indoor meetings is £3.00 per meeting
(refundable on joining the society).